Web Material Specs
The Wieting is happy to promote your movie, advertisement, or presentation on our screen and on our website, but we need your help.
Web Materials
Web site promotion of your event should include the following:
- A title of any length AND a short title of not more than 24 characters;
- A brief description, 200 words or less, of the event in plain text; and
- If possible, provide a one-sheet or “poster” image (in portrait orientation) with approximately a 0.63 aspect ratio (width/height). Minimum dimensions of 170 pixels wide by 270 pixels tall. An optimal image will measure 1000 x 1585 pixels (width x height).
Two sample “poster” images are provided below as examples.

Sample one-sheet / poster image

Sample one-sheet / poster image
Wieting Green
The background color used most often for Wieting materials is something I call “Wieting Green”, and it has an RGB mix of 181, 191, 148, 255
. Note that the last number in the set indicates “full saturation”.
The equivalent hex code is #B5BF94
and CMYK values are 31, 16, 49, 0
On-Screen Materials
On-screen pre-show promotion of your event should include a “trailer” or video loop with background audio in .mov or .mp4 format. Typical trailer loops are generally 10, 20 or 30-seconds in length, or longer (particularly for feature films). You may find that PowerPoint or Keynote can be effectively used to create videos of this kind. Whatever the case, be sure to include the highest resolution images that you can find. Born-digital images will work best. Consider that any text or images you include may appear 16 feet tall, or more, on screen. If possible please provide us with both the finished video AND the source material in case we need to re-format.
Please send your creations to ToledoWieting@gmail.com or email us a link to your content stored on an accessible cloud drive (iCloud, DropBox, etc.).