The Wieting Theatre Guild is a dedicated group of individuals who work together in an effort to support and maintain the Wieting Theatre. Their responsibilities include: managing and monitoring events, general building maintenance, scheduling and booking movies, and scheduling volunteer workers.
Presently the Guild members are:
Executive Committee
- Leann Clemann - President
- Josh Clemann - Vice-President
- Michelle Evans - Treasurer and Events Co-Coordinator
- Marie Mann - Secretary
Guild Members
- Denise Fletcher - Past-President & Landscaping Coordinator
- Mark McFate - Website, System Admin, Sound and Projector Coordinator
- Barb Jordan - Volunteer Coordinator
- Lori Baier - Concessions Coordinator
- Charles Johnson - Maintenance Co-Coordinator
- Kevin Nelson - Maintenance Co-Coordinator
- Alan Kline
- Sandy Kapayou
- Morgan McFate
- D. A. Boerm
- Jon Huebner
- Ellen Moran
Recently Retired Members
- RLou Snyder
- Eric (Ro) Rosario
We would like to extend a special thanks to the following dedicated volunteers:
- Steve Kenkel - Assisting with projection, lights and sound.
- Mary Fasse-Shaw - Live Theatre Coordinator
- Julia Duncan - Assists guild members with cleaning.
We tend to take for granted these devoted and hardworking individuals. We want to reassure them of their importance and our gratitude for their hours spent toward the achievement of a common goal - that of keeping the Wieting Theatre facility available to our children and all adults in our communities. Again - Many Thanks!